What are the advantages of carbon nanotubes in coatings for bolted tanks? blog image
Feb 2, 2023
Company News
By: ed heltzel

What are the advantages of carbon nanotubes in coatings for bolted tanks?


The blog post discusses the benefits of using carbon nanotubes in epoxy coated steel panels for bolted storage tanks. It explains that carbon nanotubes, which are tiny tubes made of carbon atoms, have exceptional strength and electrical and thermal conductivity and are ideal for various applications. When added to epoxy coated steel panels, they improve the mechanical and electrical properties of the coating, making it stronger, more durable, and better suited for high-temperature and corrosive environments. We also mention how our Weston NanoCoat utilizes carbon nanotubes’ power to enhance the durability and performance of epoxy coated steel panels for bolted storage tanks.

The Power of Carbon Nanotubes
in Epoxy Coatings for Bolted Storage Tanks

Bolted storage tanks are essential components in various industrial applications, used to store liquids and gases for industries such as renewable energy, wastewater, and oil and gas. To ensure the safety and longevity, these tanks must be able to withstand harsh environmental conditions and maintain their structural integrity over time. This is where the combination of epoxy coated steel panels and carbon nanotubes comes in.

So, what are carbon nanotubes and why are they so beneficial in epoxy coated steel panels?

Carbon nanotubes, made of carbon atoms and measuring just a few nanometers in diameter, are known for their exceptional strength and thermal and electrical conductivity. These properties make them ideal for various applications, including composites, electronics, and energy storage. Weston’s Weston NanoCoat is a cutting-edge product that enhances the durability and performance of epoxy coated steel panels for bolted storage tanks.

When added to epoxy coated steel panels, carbon nanotubes improve the mechanical and electrical properties of the coating, resulting in a stronger, more durable, and better suited for high-temperature applications. For example, in bolted storage tanks used in the oil and gas industry, carbon nanotubes in the epoxy coating can help prevent damage from high temperatures while transporting flammable liquids.

Moreover, carbon nanotubes enhance the chemical resistance of the panel, making it ideal for use in chemical processing and waste management industries where storage tanks are exposed to corrosive chemicals and UV light. The improved chemical resistance of the epoxy coated steel panels helps to ensure the bolted storage tanks remain structurally sound and capable of safely storing hazardous materials.

Scientific research supports the strength and durability of carbon nanotubes. A study by the University of California found that carbon nanotubes reinforced epoxy composites had improved mechanical properties, including higher strength and stiffness, compared to those without carbon nanotubes. Another study by Rice University found that carbon nanotubes improved the thermal conductivity of epoxy composites.

Weston’s Weston NanoCoat provides the perfect combination of durability and cutting-edge technology. Our Weston NanoCoat will help protect your investment from corrosion, ensuring the reliability and safety of your bolted tank in even the harshest environmental conditions. Contact our team to learn more about the benefits of our Weston NanoCoat.

  • source: https://escholarship.org/content/qt4359v0pb/qt4359v0pb.pdf
  • source: https://scholarship.rice.edu/handle/1911/18924
  • source: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S135983681300440X
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Ed Heltzel

Ed's integral role on the Weston & Associates team involves constructing and overseeing IT infrastructure, digital tools, and creative marketing avenues. With over 15 years in digital marketing and technology, he adds significant expertise. Beyond his professional role, Ed is a accomplished Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt and world competitor.
